# Welcome to my digital garden created using Obsidian Publish *Notes are written by me, for me.* Trying to "learn in public", "working with garage door up" - [from Andy Matuschak's](https://notes.andymatuschak.org/z21cgR9K3UcQ5a7yPsj2RUim3oM2TzdBByZu) ![[s29oozoar5mnaapjs1mu.png]] Blog: https://moseshng.wordpress.com/ Email: [MosesHng](mailto:[email protected]) Schedule a session - https://calendar.app.google/47HnE8fsV8BU7Ztd8 (Google Calendar) ==Just search for something... see if I got any notes on that subject== | Currently | Description | | -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | [[HOPE-S Project Index]] | Secret | | Reading [[Books Index]] | [[Book - The Birth and Death of Meaning An Interdisciplinary perspective on the problem of man]] | | [[Knowledge Management]] | [[Book - Knowledge Management in Theory and Practice 4th Edition]], [[Capturing Clinical Expertise an Analysis of Knowledge mining through expert system development]] Thinking of how to create a knowledge management system for Case Managers | | [[Thinking Methodologies]] | How to think about thinking? | # Seven Days Refer to [[Daily Logs DG]] # Some topics - [[Case Management]] | [[Sharing on case management work]] - [[000 Main Index]] - [[020 Psychotherapy Index]] | [[Emotions MOC]] | [[Shame and Guilt MOC]] - [[020.300 Solution Focused MOC]] |[[Books Index]] |[[Positive Psychology Index]] - [[🏠 030 Language and Psychology]] - [[Trust is the coin of the realm]] #trust - [[Foreign Policy]] | [[International Relations]] | [[Book - Great Delusion - Liberal Dreams and International Realities by John Mearsheimer]] | [[China's Vision for Regional Order]] | [[Singapore Foreign Policy]] - [[Books Index]] --- [[Book - Laws of UX - Using Psychology to Design Better Products and Service]] [[Polymath]] | [[Book - Thinking in Systems - A primer]] | [[Book - Weapons of Math Destruction - Cathy O'Neil]] | [[Book - Adolescent Psychiatry in Clinical Practice edited by Simon G Gowers]] | [[Book - Exploring the landscape of the mind]] - [[All things related to Recovery]] - [[Index for Spirituality]] - [[Commonplace Notes]] - [[Co-Production]]